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IACT Golf Day 2023 – The Panel team takes home top prize

Alan, Richard, darina, David and Andrew
On Thursday May 11th 2023, the Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers invited participants to their annual IACT Golf Day at Grange Golf Club in Dublin.

The Shotgun event kicked off in the early afternoon and saw 21 teams in total participating. The main event was followed by an indoor/outdoor BBQ and prize ceremony.

The Panel team led by The Panel’s Darina Heavey and Andrew Wynne, also featured guest players Richard Temperely and David Joyce was delighted to take home 1st prize.

Aimee Cullen (IACT President) and John Gilsenan spoke at the event and gave out prizes to the winning teams.

Present, but not participating was Alan Bluett (Partner, The Panel).


(Many thanks to Patrick Corkery for taking photos on the day)