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Winter Candidate Sentiment Survey 2024 – Part 1: Working habits, commutes, and promotion prospects

Winter Candidate Sentiment Survey 2024 - Part 2: The shifting balance of power between candidates and clients
Part 1 of our Winter 2024 Candidate sentiment survey, as first published on The Currency.

We run a Candidate Sentiment Survey twice a year to assess candidates’ attitudes to certain topics. This is part 1 of our Winter 2024 Survey, first published on The Currency.

  • 1,796 candidates completed the survey.
  • The candidates surveyed were from junior management to the “C” suite level in the IT, finance, accounting, legal, HR, banking, and ESG professions.
  • The candidates were presented with a multiple-choice answer for every question, bar question one, where they chose every answer applicable to them.
  • Where the same question was asked in our Winter 2023 survey, we compare it to Winter 2024.
  • The survey was conducted after the U.S. presidential election and before the Irish general election.
  • The survey had a “free text” box at the end, and close to 10 per cent of the candidates chose to give us their observations on certain topics. Their observations are under the relevant questions in italics.

In part one of the two-part The Panel Candidate Sentiment Survey on behalf of The Currency, we cover:

  • Where do candidates want to work today?
  • What are the most popular working arrangements — remote, full-time in the office, or hybrid?
  • Does being present in the office increase your promotion prospects?
  • Does the commute influence where candidates go to work?

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In the last three years…

1,976 out of 1,796 people answered this question.

The respondents could choose every relevant option. The biggest change is in the “Work in the office more” option, which has doubled from seven per cent last autumn to 13 per cent now. This reflects what we are seeing in The Panel, with more employers looking to get their employees back into the office.

The other answers are broadly in line with our 2023 survey, with one in four still working the way they have always worked.

Which of these statements best reflects where you would like your place of work to be today?

1,764 out of 1,796 people answered this question.

With more employers looking for their employees to return to the office, it is interesting that only three per cent of candidates would choose to work full-time in the office. This is down from five per cent in our last survey, a 40 per cent drop.

The other answers are relatively unchanged from the 2023 survey. More people are flexible about their working arrangements, with 22 per cent “happy to do any option,” up from 19 per cent previously.

What the respondents said:

“Massive shift toward a return to office en route. Fully expect 4 days in office to be rule within the next 12 months. 

As an older employee I have seen the pros and cons of hybrid/remote/office employment. Careers are a journey and less experienced need support and mentorship from more senior colleagues and leaders, but on terms that work for them.  Obliging new employees and junior entrants to business to have to work in the office for six months when there are no managers or other colleagues there, as they work remotely, doesn’t make sense.  It’s almost like a punishment for new employees. Companies need to consider their approach, if they require onsite employees, be there to support them.

I recently left my employer due to a full-time RTO mandate and now have a fully remote position.

My employer…

1,723 out fo 1,796 people answered this question.

The answers to this question are consistent with the 2023 survey. Over half of the respondents are still left to choose where they work. We are surprised at this finding; we expected it to be lower, based on the fact that anecdotally, we are seeing employers more insistent on people returning to the workplace.

What the respondents said:

“Being in the office supports better connectivity between employees and helps build culture, particularly for those joining a new place of work. Also offers faster problem-solving and unexpected learning opportunities. Provided there is flexibility when needed a balance of overall in the office is better. However definitely more emphasis on finishing in good time due to commute times and more focus on work life balance. Employers must not under-resource consistently.

“I am seeing employers asking staff to spend more time in the office rather than at home.

How many days does your employer require you to come into the office?

614 out of 1,796 people answered this question.

We asked the candidates not working five days in the office how many days they would work there.

Three days in the office is still the most popular option, up 10 per cent (2024 — 45 per cent compared to 41 per cent last year). Two days in the office decreased from 37 per cent last year to 31 per cent today.

One to watch is the four days in the office, up about 25 per cent from last year (11 per cent in 2023 to 14 per cent currently).

I feel that colleagues who work 3 days or more in the office.

1,701 out of 1,796 people answered this question.

This is a new question in the Autumn survey. We wanted to assess candidates’ thoughts about “being present” in the office and whether they felt it influenced their promotion prospects.

A sizeable minority, 43 per cent, believes it positively influences their promotion chances. Most respondents, however, do not see working remotely as detrimental to their chances of promotion.

What the respondents said:

“I believe proximity bias is a real phenomenon which disadvantages remote workers.

For career progression, it is hard for managers to develop junior staff when they are obsessed with working from home. The career path by definition means people are moving upwards. To move upwards, you do need to learn more new areas all the time. And there is why my preference for developing staff is to have a high presence in the office. If a person is doing the same job with the last 10 years and not engaging much with other staff, working from home is fine for them.

At the moment my physical working arrangements are…

1,704 out of 1,796 people answered this question.

These findings are consistent with the 2023 findings. Two-thirds of respondents are working where they want to. One in six of our respondents is looking to move roles because their working arrangements don’t suit them, something employers need to be cognisant of.

What the respondents said:

“Unless you have an actual office at home, a kitchen table or box room is not conducive to working properly.”

“I am at a stage where work life balance as a whole is important, I do a job that can be 100 per cent remote due to me working with employees in various regions around Ireland, yet I am required to come to office 2 days a week (its good but there is no business case for it).

I answered these questions considering two different employers that I have had in the past 2 months. One is remote work friendly, and the other one no. That’s why I left that job.”

“I hate the entire “come to the office, it increases collaboration” culture of my workplace. If people do not want to be in the office, then leave them alone. I understand that it is important for new workers to see new colleagues but in general most people prefer being at home so let them if productivity isn’t affected.

In the past 3 years have you had to change jobs due to a lack of affordable accommodation commutable to your employer?

1,717 out of 1,796 people answered this question.

This is another new question in our 2024 survey. It is encouraging that over 80 per cent of the respondents can afford to live within a commutable distance of work. One in twelve respondents, however, is directly affected by the affordability of housing, while one in ten respondents is working remotely or not working.

What the respondents said:

Salaries are not keeping pace with the cost of living in Dublin and it’s been like this for the last 2 + years now.

I work hybrid and have flexibility but definitely have less working hours available when need to commute etc, so for focused work or significant meetings remote working suits better.

“I moved outside Dublin to a commuter belt because I couldn’t afford to buy in Dublin and my job allowed hybrid working. If hybrid working changes I am stuck in a house with a long commute to Dublin.

Currently, my commute time/expense is…

1,706 out of 1,796 people answered this question.

This is another new question in the survey. Just under half of respondents are happy with their commute to work. One in eight would consider their commute one of the reasons to change jobs, while one in four can live with it, albeit that their commute is not ideal.

We would like to thank all the respondents for filling out the survey. Special thanks to those who chose to add comments; these were particularly illuminating.

This article was initially published on The Currency website.