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Anne Keys presenting at the Triple FS opening event

Career Planning Advice with Anne Keyes
Tuesday September 24th, Triple FS Mentoring held their opening event, and The Panel was delighted to attend.

Congratulations to Triple FS Mentoring on their opening event yesterday evening – “Growth through Resilience” which saw our Managing Partner Anne Keys did the keynote speech on the Executive Recruiter’s view on career planning.

Anne talked about how Ireland had got the memo on diversity and quoted Laura Noonan from the FT “In recent years if you sought out the CEO of an international bank (in Ireland) you are more likely to have met a woman than a man.”

Anne gave key tips on career planning including creating a realistic career roadmap, and seeking feedback and the key to career advancement is down to hard work and taking opportunities!

She gave tips on Investing in yourself and that it’s imperative to develop your network and increase your visibility both inside and outside your organisation.  She told the audience to really focus on developing their soft skills that they are foundational to great leadership and set high performers apart from their peers!

Key takeaways were:

  • Drive the agenda
  • Be proactive and focused
  • Set your long-term roadmap for success
  • Be vocal about your plans
  • Invest in yourself
  • Be visible
  • Acknowledge the role of networking
  • Be aware of the importance of soft skills

The event was kindly sponsored and hosted by Barclays.

The event also saw an interesting panel discussion between Karen Braithwaite (Managing Director, Global Head of Transaction Banking – Barclays Corporate Banking), Isabelle Monahan (Managing Director, Global Head of Alternative Operations, BNY Dublin) and Brian Hayes (CEO, Banking & Payments Federation Ireland and former Minister of State) on what companies, industry bodies, regulators and individuals can do more to promote female leadership in the Financial Services Industry.

Many thanks to all involved in putting this event together.

Photo Gallery (click on the first image to see the carousel):