Ibec Employment Law Conference 2021
The Panel was delighted to exhibit at the Ibec online Employment Law Conference on April 15th. Our colleague Sarah Kelly attended on the day.
The conference was aimed at senior Legal and HR professionals, offering in-depth insights and panel discussions around the evolving landscape of employment law in Ireland.
Speakers looked at areas such as employment law updates and upcoming legislation, retirement legislation, key cases from the last 12 months, family leave, remote working, the right to disconnect, the employers’ responsibilities, the employees’ rights, the psychology behind remoted working and how to manage atypical work.
Moderator for the event was Kieran Cuddihy (Newstalk).
Speakers included:
Maeve McElwee, Director of Employer Relations, Ibec
Pauline O’Hare, Senior Solicitor, Ibec
Aoife McFadden, Solicitor, Ibec
Des Ryan, Barrister and Associate Professor in Law, Trinity College Dublin
Sinead Wallace, Solicitor, Ibec
Joanne Redmond, Head of Employment Law, Ibec
Elaine Bowers, OHS Services Executive, Ibec
Claire Hellen, HR Strategy Specialist, Ibec
Neil O’Brien, Healthy Human Systems Advocate & Motivational Speaker
Catriona McKeating, Solicitor, Ibec
Many thanks to the organisers for a great event and to all those who visited our stand on the day.
If you wish to contact Sarah Kelly, email her on sarahk@thepanel.com or reach out on 01-6377071.
- Kieran Cuddihy, Newstalk & MC
- Opening remark by Maeve McElwee, Director of Employer Relations, Ibec
- Pauline O’Hare, Senior Solicitor, Ibec
- Aoife McFadden, Solicitor, Ibec
- Des Ryan, Barrister and Associate Professor in Law, Trinity College Dublin
- Kieran Cuddihy and Des Ryan in discussion
- Sinead Wallace, Solicitor, Ibec
- Session 3: Panel discussion: Remote Work – a 360-degree view
- Joanne Redmond, Head of Employment Law, Ibec
- Elaine Bowers, OHS Services Executive, Ibec
- Claire Hellen, HR Strategy Specialist, Ibec
- Neil O’Brien, Speaker and Author on Mental Fitness and Wellbeing
- Catriona McKeating, Solicitor, Ibec
- The Panel Virtual Booth
- Ibec Employment Law Conference 2021